The weather this spring has been all over; torrential downpours one week, balmy sun the next. With the summer solstice around the corner however, now is definitely a good time to check up on that chain link fence surrounding your residential, commercial, or industrial yard. We recommend chainlink fences because they’re built to last, but like any dedicated car owner will tell you, your purchase will take care of you as much as you take care of it. So, in this blog we have a few suggestions on how to properly inspect and maintain your fenceline.

Step #1: Look over the existing structure.

Before you head to Rona for some shiny new bolts, first thing we need to do is evaluate the overall state of your fence. Are there any bent wires or stretched fittings that can be tightened back to their original spot? Maybe a post got knocked by a vehicle and is now loose in its base? Are there any missing pieces?  While our products are vinyl or zinc coated for protection, keep an eye out for any corrosion, particularly in spots where moisture may accumulate.

Step #2: Removal of debris.

Even before a visual inspection is done, you may find yourself removing materials around the general fence area. Debris that’s been shuffled all over the work yard during the restrictive winter, accumulation of leaves from your backyard trees blowing in the wind; any number of things could not only be limiting a full assessment, but trapping moisture and leading to rapid rust.

Step #3: Begin repairs yourself or through professionals?

While there are some repairs our customers can certainly figure out on their own, we recommend calling in the professionals for more complicated/large tasks. Sometimes a fence can be damaged even further than initially; we’ve had many calls over the years to come repair someone’s botched DIY project.

Step #4: Paint it!

Once parts have been replaced and or tightened, we recommend putting some polish on that resto! We use specialty paint (often galvanized) for all our projects. While our products come with an initial rust-resistant finish, like many robust materials, intense weathering and/or heavy use can wear that coating out over time. So, if your fence is old (but stable) or has been damaged recently, for peace of mind it’s worth applying a new coat… we certainly would!

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